Fraser Allport, CEP®

The Total Advisor, LLC
2 Oceans West Blvd
Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118
(386) 256-7300
Mobile: (386) 882-6256
(888) 280-3731
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CEP® Date Awarded
August 1, 2014

Fraser offers the following services:

  • Medicare
  • Annuities
  • Tax Free Income
  • Longevity Planning
  • Retirement Planning
  • Income Tax Planning
  • 403(b) and 401(k) Plans
  • Medicare Advantage Plans
  • Medicare Supplement Plans
  • ROTH and ROTH Conversions
  • 457 Deferred Compensation Plans
  • Fraser is a Certified Estate Planner™
  • FERS and FRS DROP Retirement Plans
  • Long Term Care and Home Health Care
  • Tax Deductible ERISA Retirement Plans
  • Fraser is a National Social Security Advisor®
  • Tax Free benefits of Cash Value Life Insurance
  • Maximizing Social Security Claiming Strategies
  • Federal Employee Retirement System Specialist
  • Women and Men have different Retirement Needs
  • Financial Wellness Workshops for C Suite and Employees

For his clients nationwide, Fraser Allport is The Total Advisor™ specializing in Retirement and Estate Planning, plus Social Security, Medicare, and Health Insurance choices. Fraser also specializes in Income Tax Reduction and Asset Protection.

Fraser's holistic and comprehensive approach is "Total Money Planning" for Individuals and Business Owners. Like a puzzle, all your financial pieces need to be integrated. Fraser's goal is to "synergize and harmonize" your Finances.

Fraser can provide education and assistance, together with your Attorney, on matters such as Wills, Trusts, Financial and Medical Powers of Attorney, Living Wills, Final Expenses and IRS matters. His 43 years of experience give him the resources and capabilities to meet all your financial needs - both personally and professionally. Fraser advises clients on how to retire successfully, plan for longevity, and works to with each client to build an integrated and holistic " Life Plan " that includes Retirement and Social Security Planning, Medicare and Health Insurance Planning, Income Tax Reduction, Estate Planning and Asset Protection.

As a Fiduciary, Mr. Allport's Rule # 1 is simple :
Protect your Principal, which will help to safeguard your standard of living and Peace of Mind in your Retirement.

Born in Connecticut in 1959, Fraser graduated in 1982 from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service in Washington, D.C., where he studied Business, History, and Economics.

Fraser has been a self-employed entrepreneur since the day that he graduated from Georgetown, serving clients as an Independent Financial Professional for nearly four decades.

Fraser is the owner of The Total Advisor, LLC, an independent Retirement, Health Insurance, Tax and Estate Planning Firm in Daytona Beach, Florida. Fraser is a Fiduciary for his Clients, and a Certified Estate Planner™.

Fraser was privileged to serve as a former host with iHeartRadio and has extensive experience in providing financial education in the workplace. Wise employers realize the benefit of providing their employees with access to Fraser's Financial Wellness courses. Less "Money Stress" has been linked to happier, more loyal and efficient and productive.

Protecting your Principal is Fraser's # 1 priority
" Be Safe and Smart with Your Money " is Fraser's motto

A Certified Estate Planner™ has:

  • Completed a rigorous eight (8) module course of instruction in the field of estate planning,
  • Successfully passed a comprehensive examination process,
  • Shown a desire to associate with professional estate planning peers,
  • Agreed to comply with annual estate planning continuing education requirements, and
  • Ascribed to the practical guidelines and code of ethics of the NICEP.


Everyone Needs an Estate Plan

The Total Advisor™

Read Fraser's full biography HERE

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