You are now on your way to earning an incredibly practical and important educational mark of distinction. We look forward to your participation in our program.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY - then select one of the SECURE online options below to enroll and register for the proper NICEP Course.
MCEP® NOTE: You must be an active CEP® certificant in good standing to enroll in the MCEP® certification course. Any enrollment submitted by an individual that does not meet this prerequisite will be converted to an enrollment in the next CEP® certification course.
The cost of each NICEP certification program is $1695 (less any applicable discounts) and includes the cost of the course, materials, and exam. The CEP® enrollment fee, when paid at full price ($1695), also includes the certification renewal fee for the use of the CEP® certification in the first anniversary year. If you received a discount code, please contact our office for processing.
Before proceeding, you are required to read and agree to the Certification Course Enrollment Terms & Conditions. If you have not already reviewed these, please read the full Terms & Conditions here.
By clicking any of the following "Enroll Here" buttons, you agree to the NICEP Terms & Conditions.
You will be redirected to a secure Authorize.net payment page.
To Register for the CEP® Certification Program ($1695)
To Register for the Combined CEP® / MCEP® Certifications Program ($2695)
If you are already a CEP®, and wish to Register for the MCEP® Certification Program ($1695)