You are now on your way to earning an incredibly practical and important educational mark of distinction. We look forward to your participation in our program.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY - then use the SECURE online form below to enroll and register (using the drop-down menu) for the online class component of either the CEP® Course or MCEP® Course highlights.
MCEP® NOTE: You must be an active CEP® certificant in good standing to enroll in the MCEP® certification course. Any enrollment submitted by an individual that does not meet this prerequisite will be converted to an enrollment in the next CEP® certification course.
The cost of each NICEP certification program is $1695 (less any applicable discounts) and includes the cost of the course, materials, and exam. The CEP® enrollment fee, when paid at full price ($1695), also includes the certification renewal fee for the use of the CEP® certification in the first anniversary year. If you received a discount code, you will enter it in the "discount code" field on the form below.
You will be required below to confirm that you have read and agree to the Certification Course Enrollment Terms & Conditions. If you have not already reviewed these, please read the full Terms & Conditions here.